Professional. Affordable. Reliable

Bids and Proposal Translation Services

The current Global Market is fierce and competitive. In order to secure a project several International vendors are quoting bids and proposals with a team of experts. To stand out amongst the vast sea of quotes your bids not only require cheap pricing but well integrated proposal that consider terms of the other party.



A bid proposal is an explanation of goods and services and estimated cost in procuring them. It can be both brief and detailed depending on the types of services being procured.

A bid proposal is more than just stating the price of a project. It includes a brief explanation of the service, and other key elements, like

  • An executive summary for why are you suitable for the job
  • Your qualifications and past experience
  • Similar projects that you might have worked on
  • Estimated cost
  • Estimated time for completion
  • Estimated materials required

With us your bid proposal includes everything that the agency is looking for. Our team understands the RFPs and connects your vision to it. We ensure your bidding is comprehensive and involves all considerations your prospect is looking for.


Request For Proposal is a project announcement that defines the project, lays down bidding and contractual guidelines. RFPs are the most common ways to solicit bids by government agencies and private companies.

RFPs are complex documents and understanding the requirements and fine details before submitting the final bid is very important. With our team of experts we translate these documents for you and help you navigate through the technicalities so that you stand a better chance in getting the project.


In the age of globalization you can’t afford to lose time in translation; neither can you depend on automated translations for complex/technical terms involved in the bidding proposals. ‘Time is of essence’ is our thumb rule and thus we provide you with the best possible services in short period. With us your bidding involves all considerations your prospect is looking for.


Our team consists of cherry picked best translators that specialize in your industry sector.  Words can do wonders our translators ensure the wonders happen in your favor. We communicate your brand value, vision and strengths to ensure you get that contract you have been working hard for.


When you choose us, you choose to win. We provide you effortless yet professional quotes, bids and proposals.  Our team works diligently on all aspects from translating communications to delving into legal aspects and due diligence.  And this entire in fair price that suits your budget.

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